* Implement Hot Streak and Last Stand (Still needs testing) Todo: I’ll need to reformat some newly added MP3s so they’re louder * Added Blade Flurry, Stealth, Bone Shield. ** English Clients only supported at the momentĪdded Anti-Magic Shell, Silencing Shot, Readiness, Elemental MasteryĪdded Repentance, Hammer of Justice & Deterrence down, disabled some spell options at default (can beĪdded Will of the Forsaken, Shadowmeld, Gift of the Naaru, Berserking, Blood Fury, Shadow Trance (All is disabled at default)
Here is an example on how to set up your sound so you can only hear addons: …1611165329.jpg If that didn’t work, check your sound options. run local f = CreateFrame(“frame”,nil, UIParent) f:SetScript(“OnUpdate”, CombatLogClearEntries) ģ.
Make sure you have your WoW sound effects are on, volume turned up, and WoW and windows/mac sounds unmuted Okay /soundalerter shows up a menu, but the sound alerts aren’t working!ġ. If it’s enabled, log in the game and type /soundalerter Made sure it’s enabled on your addon list, on your character selection screen, bottom rightĥ. Unzipped the SoundAlerter folder (inside the trololol-SoundAlerter3.3.5a-xx folder) into your WoW folder/Interface/Addons/Ĥ. Clicked Zip and fully have downloaded the zip archiveģ.